Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Heads Up

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about the Holiday Count Down Freebies that Lisa is offering over at Ten Two Studios . They don't start until Tuesday December 1st but she always provides great freebies in her countdown so don't forget to check it out. You also have the option of purchasing all 40 images sheets in high resolution if you are impatient and can't wait.

Can't believe it is almost December and I still can't seem to get into the Christmas spirit creatively or otherwise. Hope others are doing better than I am.


Lisa said...

Thanks for the link!

LynnF said...

Thanks for the reminder, Sandie! And come on, just make something...get started...the smallest piece. You've been so kind with your comments on my blog...but I wish you knew how many pieces I pitched, but you keep going and magic happens. Believe in yourself, I do!!! Hugs, LynnF

Lorraine said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Sandie! Small world indeed!

Ed said...

thanks for the tip Sandie xx

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi, Sandie, I know you are so wanting your muse to come back. I sure wish she would too. Miss you in the mingles. <3 xoxo